Danh sách đĩa nhạc Cravity

Mini album

TênThông tin albumDanh sách bài hátVị trí xếp hạng cao nhấtDoanh số
Season 1. Hideout: Remember Who We Are
Danh sách
  1. Top of the Chain
  2. Break all the Rules
  4. Blackout
  5. 낯섦(Stay)
  6. Cloud 9
  7. 별(Star)
Season 2. Hideout: The New Day We Step Into
Danh sách
  1. Flame
  2. Believer
  3. Ohh Ahh
  4. Realize
  5. 열기구(Hot Air Balloon)
  6. Sunrise
  7. 호흡(Breathing)
Season 3.

Hideout: Be Our Voice

Danh sách

  1. My Turn
  2. Call my name
  3. Mammoth
  4. Bad Habits
  5. Moonlight
  6. Dangerous
  7. Give me your love

Đĩa đơn

TênNămVị trí xếp hạng cao nhấtAlbum
Break All the Rules2020[upper-alpha 1]Season 1. Hideout: Remember Who We Are
Cloud 9
FlameSeason 2. Hideout: The New Day We Step Into
Ooh Ahh
My Turn2021Season 3. Hideout: Be Our Voice

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Cravity http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/album.ga... http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/album.ga... http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/album.ga... http://www.gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/chart/albu... http://cafe.daum.net/cravity-official https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/internatio... https://sports.donga.com/article/all/20200618/1015... https://www.facebook.com/OfficialCRAVITY https://www.instagram.com/cravity_official/ https://www.j-14.com/posts/k-pop-group-cravity-spi...